Monday, November 20, 2006

What Am I Most Thankful For?

Thanksgiving always makes me think of all the things for which I am thankful for. It doesn't take me much time at all to come up with a very long list of all the things for which I am thankful for. I am thankful for

my son, my best friend, my home, my success in my work from home business, a turkey and all the trimmings on the table Thanksgiving day, the list goes on and on.

But when I ask myself, what am I most thankful for, I find it hard to choose just one thing. As I ponder each thing for which I am thankful for, it seems to me that everything I am thankful for is a direct result of another. Would I have my wonderful son if there weren't adoption agencies and I hadn't married my husband? Would I have such a great best friend who lives across the street if I hadn't moved here? Would I have a home if it weren't for the jobs my husband and I had before building our house? Would I have been able to pursue a work at home business if my husband didn't have a good paying job and benefits? Would I have all the trimmings on the Thanksgiving table if I hadn't found some success in my work from home business?

So I ponder, what is at the root of all the things that I am thankful for? As I trace each thing I am thankful for back to its root, I find none of the things I am thankful for today just appeared on my doorstep. They required hard work, patience and there were always trials and tribulations along the way. So I ask myself, what made all the things I am thankful for possible today and I keep ending up in the same place. It is my faith in God and Jesus Christ and the power of prayer that brought about all the things for which I am thankful for today.

If I had not had my faith and I had not prayed, I would not have my son today. If I had not had faith and I had not prayed, I would not have been able to move here and have found such a wonderful best friend. If I had not had my faith and I had not prayed, building our home would not have been possible. If I had not had my faith and I had not prayed I would not have found success in my work at home business. If I had not had faith and I had not prayed, there would not be a turkey and all the trimmings on my thanksgiving table this year.

So the thing I am most thankful for is my faith in God and Jesus Christ. When I say my prayers tonight, I will make sure I say thank you to them for being at the root of all the things for which I am thankful for today! 

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